By using simple tools and analogies to convey ideas, confidence and to develop your skills so you can be an independent trader.
To teach the average person how to trade.
By using simple tools and analogies to convey ideas, confidence and to develop your skills so you can be an independent trader.
Economic Freedom
Trading may not be for everyone but I hope and dream that those who do trade will find economic freedom.
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My first trade was while I was in high school of Pacific Gas & Electric. The purpose of this investment was to reinvest those dividends to accumulate more shares.
I learned about trading on margin. Making money by using other peoples money known as borrowing from others was a better way to invest which increased my returns which is also a good way to invest in real estate.
I was listed in Investors Business Daily newspaper and Barrons two years in a row for the United States Investment Championships listed on the top twenty amongst thousands of entrants.
I learned how to trade futures commodity trading. Futures trading is not something to fear as it is just as easy to understand and to trade as stocks.
I formed a newsletter writting service for US and Canadian brokerage firms where their clients of those brokerage firms would sign up for my service and their accounts would automatically make trades based upon my recommendations all under the name Picks From A Champ.
I started a Youtube channel where I had a weekly sessions teaching technical trading with a subscriber list of over 5,000 members and produced a weekly newsletter of breaking news in relation to technical trading.
Got involved with life insurances backed by trust teaching how to use life insurances and trusts as a form of income to borrow from for personal or business lending.
Started trading cryptos and making videos on how exchanges and wallets work. Interestingly enough, no matter the investment vehicle you are trading, the technicals work the same because human psychology and emotions work the same regardless if it's stocks, commodiies or cryptocurrencies.